Nobody really likes going to the dentist. And if the visit and even the thought of going to the dentist triggers physical symptoms in addition to feelings of unease, this person is probably suffering from dental anxiety/dental phobia.

The most common symptoms of dental anxiety are:

  • Extreme agitation, a racing heart and trembling
  • Panic attacks, feeling faint/fainting
  • Nausea and retching
  • Dry mouth
  • Muscle cramps
  • Sweating
  • High blood pressure

According to official figures, about 10% of patients suffer from this disease, but this number is probably much higher. The severity of this disease can be very different; there are even people who have never had dental treatment.

A particular problem with severe dental phobia is that patients are afraid to come to us. The result is usually periodontitis and increased caries, even despite good oral hygiene. If you wait too long, you could lose your teeth. Often, affected patients only come when a toothache becomes unbearable. Unfortunately, at this point, it is often the case that the tooth can no longer be saved or can only be saved by root canal treatment. The teeth get worse and worse and the fear and shame grow because at this point, the only options are major, painful treatments. Shame not only affects the visit to the dentist, but also the environment of the affected person. The person feels unattractive and/or unkempt. This condition can lead to additional depression and severe loneliness.

It is difficult to get out of this downward spiral on your own. The treatment of an anxiety disorder is lengthy and requires professional help from psychologists and specialised dentists. Being in an environment where you can confide in others can also be very beneficial to healing. Please talk to friends or family about your fear. Self-help groups can also help you find your way out of anxiety. If you are not ready to "officially” disclose your condition, you can find online forums where you can talk anonymously about your concerns.

At VHD Dental, we can have an initial conversation with you to determine the extent of your anxiety and if/when treatment is possible. Please don't feel embarrassed to talk to us. We spend several hours each day working closely with people’s mouths, and there is hardly anything we haven't seen. We can plan for a lot of time and explain each treatment step to you in detail, if you wish. You will never be held or forced to do anything with us. You have the right to get up and leave at any time and we won’t hold it against you. If, despite everything, you do not feel ready for a dental treatment in which you are actively involved, we offer several different treatment options.

Treatment under light sedation/twilight sedation or general anaesthetic will not cure you of your anxiety disorder, but it can serve as a foundation for your healing. Because if you have the opportunity to rehabilitate your entire set of teeth without being conscious, you can re-establish your dental routine with normal check-ups with us. With the support of a psychologist and through many positive experiences, we can gradually ensure that you feel comfortable again and one day, you might even enjoy coming to us. Please contact us if you have any questions. We would also be happy to consult with you over the phone about our procedures if it is still too early for you to take the step of physically coming to us.

Together we can do anything.
